Scheol Service wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Scheol Service <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 7, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: Please hear me out.

I know that there is a mailing list and etc.. for Pygame support but
there are other people knowing answers to questions to some noobies
like me have and others know the answers and the support team doesn't
always have time to answer right away so im thinking if you can start
a forums based bulletin board on the site /forums for
people to help people with there pygame questions. Also maybe use
PHPBB forum software or SMF software:
See, the problem with a forum is:
the people who are most likely to visit it often are the people looking for help. If there were a pygame forum on-line, I definitely wouldn't check it very often. But since I have an e-mail client, I have it set to check for new messages every minute. So I get a near-instant notification whenever someone needs help, and I don't have to spend any of my time looking round webpages
or being irritated by how slowly everything loads.
either the message is fully downloaded and I can read what the person has to say, or it's not in my inbox yet. and when I'm done with a reply, I just hit send and go about my business, confident that my e-mail client will send it on its own. On top of this, there are people like me who won't check the forums, and then there are people who will try to do both, and yet another group of people who only lurk on the forums.
I.E. it will be even harder to find help that you need.

Also, it sounds to me like you think that the pygame mailing list is for developers,
but it's not.  It's for anyone who has questions about pygame usage.
I know I'm not involved in development at all, but I still try to answer questions when I can.

Obviously, this is all my opinion.
But I, for one, like things the way they are right now.

Email me back ASAP
No reason to put this here.
If they're going to reply soon, they'll reply soon. This message tacked on to the end doesn't get you quicker replies, but it may
be a thorn in some people's sides and get you fewer replies.
Just a friendly observation :)


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