Luke Paireepinart wrote:
Lamonte(Scheols/Demonic) wrote:
... or maybe you are some forum modder or developer who just wants to
promote something you are working on?
Please don't make false accusations about me. Its really disrespectful.
Please don't come on our mailing list and say your PHP forums are superior.
It's really disrespectful.
Just in case it wasn't obvious, I wasn't trying to be rude.
I was being ironical >_>.
I'm pretty sure that Brian was merely speculating on why you would be claiming that the forums would be better than the mailing list. On the internet you can expect much frankness and a distinct lack of 'tact', as some may call it. Others may call it bullshit. I quite like not having to get the run-around so often, and getting straight answers,
which I have found on many occasions to be lacking in real life.

Obviously, you can take offense at pretty much anything you want.
If you are claiming that Brian was trying to offend you, that's not okay.
If you want to be offended by him, that's fine, however.
The point is the intent.  Brian wasn't intending to offend you.

Of course I am speaking for Brian when I shouldn't be, though I very much doubt that he was trying to be rude.
This has also gone a bit off-topic.

In any case, I have not seen any real defense of establishing a Pygame forum from you.
You've given us a link to a great PHP help forum.  Okay, that's nice.
Here's a link to a great pygame help forum:
<a href="";>pygame mailing list</a>
However, this would be using the term 'forum' how it's used in the English language, as a gathering of individuals for the purpose of discussing a specific topic, and not the internet-specific definition of a database with a website front-end that allows clients to communicate with each other by editing and adding entries in the database. (perhaps a strange way to think of an internet forum, but for the most part, accurate)

So can I see some kind of rundown on the advantages/disadvantages that you think an internet forum has over a mailing list? Remember, the burden of proof is on you. You have to prove to us that a forum is a good idea.
We don't have to prove to you that it isn't.

Thanks for your time, hope you didn't think I was being rude.

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