On Tuesday 01 May 2007 09:48:04 am Samuel Mankins wrote:
> I think I ran into the problem before. What it is is that the load_image
> function does is return the image, and the image's rectangle. All you've
> got to do is delete the bit at the end of the function that says "return
> image, image.get_rect" and replace it with "return image".
> Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
> > So, I have a helpers.py file that I imported into all of my files. It
> > loads sounds, images and music. However, when I load an image, I can't do
> > anything with it because pygame keeps saying that "tuple object has no
> > attribute 'blit'" and I can't do anything.
> >
> > I noticed at the bottom of this helper file, it says "return image,
> > image.get_rect()" on it. What should I do with that then?
> >
> > Here is the file that is causing the problem and the helpers.py file.
> > this is due on the 3RD OF MAY OH DANG IT GOT HERE FAST!!! :P
> >
> > (I said I wouldn't be rushing to get it out at the end of the deadline
> > and, hey look, I'm rushing to get it out at the end of the deadline. Go
> > figure. <_< )
> >
> > Help is appreciated! I need all the help I can get!

Well, it's problem after problem, bug after bug over here. I fixed it so that 
it loads images (Thanks!). I added my sprites to the 
pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() sprite group and (after fixing a couple syntax 
errors) it worked!

...OK, not really. It almost worked. It returned no errors, yet the bullets 
don't appear on-screen. I put the code in SVN just a second ago if you want 
to check it out (svn://commons.game-host.org:3670/TypeNine) and I can provide 
a zip if you want, too. It's weird though... I think it's because I didn't 
put attacking in the def update() section but instead put self.attack() in 
there and made a def attack() in there to fire the bullets. I think that's 
the reason, anyway...

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