The more I read up on this, it seems what I should do is hide the real mouse 
cursor and use a sprite instead.  Then I could maybe take the value from 
pygame.mouse.get_rel() and cut the x/y values in half to slow down movement of 
the sprite "cursor"?

----- Original Message ----
From: Rodney Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: pygame-users <>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:21:36 AM
Subject: [pygame] Mouse Speed


I am trying to figure out how to slow down the mouse pointer in pygame.  I've 
looked over both the mouse and cursor documentation and don't see a speed 

I wrote a very simple app for someone.  It's not a game, but uses the mouse and 
draw functions of pygame.  I use Linux and the user I've written the app for is 
on Windows.  I recommended they slow down the pointer in the Windows crontrol 
panel.  This works for Windows but the mouse runs at full speed in my app, then 
goes back down to the slower speed he's set in Windows once he exits the app.

So is there any way to slow down the mouse in pygame?  A couple people on the 
irc channel suggested slowing down my game engine, but I don't have much of an 
engine and that wouldn'ts affect the mouse
 pointer anyways.

Any suggestions?

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