On Tuesday 01 May 2007 03:01:43 pm Rodney Brown wrote:
> The more I read up on this, it seems what I should do is hide the real
> mouse cursor and use a sprite instead.  Then I could maybe take the value
> from pygame.mouse.get_rel() and cut the x/y values in half to slow down
> movement of the sprite "cursor"?
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Rodney Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: pygame-users <pygame-users@seul.org>
> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:21:36 AM
> Subject: [pygame] Mouse Speed
> Hello,
> I am trying to figure out how to slow down the mouse pointer in pygame. 
> I've looked over both the mouse and cursor documentation and don't see a
> speed setting.
> I wrote a very simple app for someone.  It's not a game, but uses the mouse
> and draw functions of pygame.  I use Linux and the user I've written the
> app for is on Windows.  I recommended they slow down the pointer in the
> Windows crontrol panel.  This works for Windows but the mouse runs at full
> speed in my app, then goes back down to the slower speed he's set in
> Windows once he exits the app.
> So is there any way to slow down the mouse in pygame?  A couple people on
> the irc channel suggested slowing down my game engine, but I don't have
> much of an engine and that wouldn'ts affect the mouse pointer anyways.
> Any suggestions?
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Wouldn't that cause sporadic jumping of the mouse?

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