Andrew Pape wrote:
First, I used gcc as shown on the following page: <http://>
Specifically, I typed:  gcc -c -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.5/ pySonic.c

It has a file, so you should be able to compile
it with distutils instead of invoking gcc yourself.

From the, on Unix systems it expects the
fmod distribution to be in a subdirectory called "fmod"
under the directory where the .pyx files etc are. Then
you should just be able to say

   python install

At least that's the way it looks like it's mean to work.
I don't have a Linux system handy to try it on right now.

If it can't find Python.h, check whether you have a
directory called /usr/include/pythonX.Y (where X.Y
is whatever Python version you're using) containing
Python.h and the other .h files that it uses. If not,
you may have to tracl down and install the appropriate
"developer" package for Python (it will be called something
like "python-X.Y-devel"). You shouldn't have to install
the complete Python source.


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