On 6/5/07, Jasper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is essentially what I do, yielding 60 frames/second of 3D and
animation without any trouble.  I don't think the twisted overhead is as
big as you fear, and it's definitely several orders of magnitude nicer
than dealing with low level networking protocols.  It has been easily
fast enough, Perspective Broker saved me from (re)writing tons of code,
and I've undoubtedly avoided plenty of nasty networking bugs as well.

I think that is a matter of one's perspective on what is 'nice'.
Pardon the pun :)

Also, I don't really think it is such a big project. I've built this
sort of low level system before (using TCP instead of UDP) with higher
level stuff to pass dictionaries around in network messages... and
they end up being < 10k code, and much less intrusive than the twisted
reactor. (http://fibranet.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/nanotubes.py)

What would you hope to gain by rolling your own networking code?

Mainly insight into how these things can work, and something small,
correct and useful at the end of the exercise. If I can't build my own
wheel, how can I ever hope to make a better wheel? :-)

I also want to use UDP, so I have more opportunities to tweak my
protocol to fit the way my games / app want to work.

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