On Monday 16 July 2007 02:05:43 pm Matthew Marshall wrote:
> I'll also throw in a mention of my own project, Rabbyt
> (http://matthewmarshall.org/projects/rabbyt/)  Like Simon's GFX, it's done
> in Pyrex for speed.  (The two libraries can actually be used simultaneously
> without problems.)
> Here's a port of Simon's "dumb" example (quick, untested):
> import pygame
> import rabbyt
> rabbyt.init_display()
> ball = rabbyt.Sprite("ball.png")
> # Make the ball bounce up and down :-)
> ball.y = rabbyt.lerp(0, 100, dt=1000, extend="reverse")
> running = True
> while running:
>     if QUIT in (i.type for i in pygame.event.get()):
>         running = False
>     rabbyt.clear()
>     rabbyt.set_time(pygame.time.get_ticks())
>     ball.render()
>     pygame.display.flip()
> On Monday 16 July 2007 02:53:43 Simon Wittber wrote:
> > I've been told pyglet (http://pyglet.org/) is approaching a stable
> > release. AFAIK, Pyglet works without pygame.
> >
> > If you're after brain dead simple 2D OpenGL functions only, try gfx.gl
> > in the GFX package. (http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/GFX).
> >
> > Dumb GFX example:
> >
> >   1 import pygame
> >   2 from pygame.locals import *
> >   3 from gfx import gl
> >   4
> >   5 pygame.init()
> >   7 pygame.display.set_mode((800,600), flags)
> >   8 gl.init((800,600))
> >   9 image = pygame.image.load('ball.png')
> >  10 texture_id = gl.load_texture(pygame.image.tostring(image, 'RGBA'),
> > image.get_size())
> >  11 running = True
> >  12 w,h = image.get_size()
> >  13 while running:
> >  14     if QUIT in (i.type for i in pygame.event.get()):
> >  15         running = False
> >  16     gl.draw_quad((0,0),((0,0),(0,h),(w,h),(w,0)),
> > texture_id=texture_id) 17     pygame.display.flip()
> >  18

I've got so many choices...

Too bad I suck at making decisions. :P

I have actually decided that I'd try to use Opioid2D for my first game...

I have decided to make a simple strategy RPG for my first game idea. I'm 
leaning toward making it a Touhou doujin game. OK, gotta go... See ya later!

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