We're looking for a mac maintainer to finish off a couple of things.

- update mac version of pygame.scrap (clipboard) to use the new api.
- build an installer, and write instructions on how to make the installer here:
    - http://pygame.org/wiki/MacCompile

So if anyone can do either of those things, that'd be swell.

Here's our current list of todo items before 1.8.


On Jan 24, 2008 8:46 AM, Noah Kantrowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 23, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Brian Fisher wrote:
> > On Jan 23, 2008 12:16 PM, Kamilche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Well, if there's no windows installer for it, and hasn't been for
> >> three
> >> years, how supported is it, really? It's too much to expect the
> >> average
> >> developer to have the same build tools and correctly compile all the
> >> sources, just to use the latest version.
> >>
> > I would agree with a statement that Pygame is currently unsupported on
> > the Mac, because you can't run pygame on python 2.5 (either leopard
> > system python or some other 2.5 install) at all without hacking stuff
> > up and ultimately building it yourself,
> I have previously posted macports port files for building pygame on
> leopard with 2.5. Please read the archives.
> --Noah

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