Marcus von Appen wrote:
On, Thu Jan 24, 2008, Kamilche wrote:

Bo Jangeborg wrote:


What's stopping you from joining the developers ? It's a collaborative effort of volunteers as far as I know.


I tried. I submitted some changes, some code samples, went to a Thursday online meeting - nothing came of it. In chat it was like I was invisible, and no one could hear me.

Maybe because they are on Tuesday ;-).

I suppose it could have been on Tuesday, not Thursday. I don't recall as it's been over a year since I tried to contribute.

I worked all morning and got the pygame-ctypes examples whipped into shape. I encountered several problems over and over again:

1. Requiring the programmer to set their PYTHONPATH to read the package. The end user won't be able to do this, so forcing that on the programmer to make theirs run just ensures it will break for the user in the future.

2. Importing Numeric, when everywhere in the documents you say use numpy. All the examples that claimed to be able to use either, would actually only work with Numeric. If you want us to use numpy, change all your examples to use numpy only, not this half-baked 'either or' that breaks when you don't have Numeric installed.

3. Checking for the sys.platform being 'windows' when it should actually be 'win32', which causes getlibc to fail.

4. Doing a 'return' in the middle of the event loop, which crashes Pygame on Windows.

5. Not calling pygame.quit at the end of the event loop, which crashes Pygame on Windows.

6. Not calling pygame.event.pump() in the event loop, which causes IDLE to hang.

Just so's ya know - that's what needs to be done.
Posting a link to the Windows installer for pygame 1.8 would be helpful, too.


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