On, Sun Mar 09, 2008, Richard Goedeken wrote:

> The code is in src/transform.c in the pygame tree.  The task at hand is to 
> translate the 32-bit MMX code (I think there's 4 sections of code, each 
> about 40-60 lines) from the AT&T syntax used by GCC to the Intel style used 
> by VC. The Intel format is compatible with masm, nasm, yasm, etc.  It's 
> pretty easy to read.  The AT&T style is quite powerful but very strange 
> looking, and if you don't have an inclination to learn a bit about it then 
> the translation would be very hard.  Take a look at it and let me know if 
> you want to take a crack at it.  I could always proof-read it.

The code first needs to be brought into shape (there are some minor
issues, if I remember correctly) and be sync'ed with the latest changes
in SDL_gfx. At least the parts taken from it.


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