Brian Fisher wrote:
If  were going to have something like that (a warping function) in
PyGame, I would definitely want it to use anti-grain-geometry
( ) rather than use a newly coded up function. AGG
has been around for a very long time, is highly tested, and once you
code up the basic integration issues a huge world of completely
awesome 2d software rendering falls out fairly easily (gaussian blur,
vector shape rendering, textured lines, etc. etc.)

I was previously unaware of this project; thanks for the link. It looks quite impressive. It appears that AGG does not have a function to do what Ian was asking for though - transforming a rectangle to an arbitrary quadrilateral. What it can do, though, is transform a rectange to an arbitrary parallelogram.

Does anyone else on the list have any requests for any image transformations that they would like? Something that would give their games some more flash or polish?


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