Well it looks like I have another obscure Pygame 1.8 bug to hunt down. I was trying the PolyPlay 1.3* Walker demo on Windows - PolyPlay\run.bat - and a couple of seconds after the simulation starts the program segfaults, which is caught by the Pygame parachute. Right now I have no idea what caused it. I suspect it is Pygame because PolyPlay doesn't appear to import any other third party modules except psyco. It still crashes with psyco disabled. And the segfault happens for both Python 2.4 and 2.5. If anyone else experiences the same thing please let me know.

By the way, the fact Pygame automatically loads all modules in its package makes debugging difficult. It is pointless to examine sys.modules to determine what aspects of Pygame a program might be using.

* http://www.pygame.org/project/618/?release_id=1211#

Lenard Lindstrom

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