To me the traceback shows drawaaline called with surf set to NULL. Am I reading it incorrectly.


René Dudfield wrote:

Here's the traceback:

0x01546d05 in drawaaline (surf=0x0, color=0, x1=0, y1=0, x2=1, y2=248,
blend=1) at src/draw.c:1023
1023                    DRAWPIX32(pixel, colorptr, brightness1, blend)
(gdb) where
#0  0x01546d05 in drawaaline (surf=0x0, color=0, x1=0, y1=0, x2=1,
y2=248, blend=1) at src/draw.c:1023
#1  0x0154849d in aaline (self=0x0, arg=0x21480) at src/draw.c:660

Marcus von Appen wrote:

DRAWPIX32() seems to be the source as Rene tracked it down and after
giving it a short glance. My guess is that it does not take the
necessary shifts for 24bpp surfaces into account (in fact it does not do
any shifts, but assumes the 3 bytes follow up on each other and are
aligned properly).

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