"René Dudfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Shall we start by making an ultimate list of features, or use cases...
> Anything else?

Eventually, you'll want:
 - text flow other than left->right (right->left, mixed, top->down)
 - support for non-letter fonts (e.g. button glyphs for help text) --
 although I suppose you could handle it by something you described,
 flowing text around images, if the images could be floated as well
 - support for non-breaking spaces and hyphens
 - proper handling of line-breaking in different languages (e.g.,
 French inserts a space or two between the last letter of a sentence
 and a final exclamation point, don't want to break there, some
 languages consider certain combinations of letters to really be only
 one, can't break in between them, etc.)
 - proper support for full Unicode fonts

But this is a bit pie-in-the-sky, it can wait until the basics are in,
I just have text processing on the brain a bit lately :)

"The whole fist fight is over who gets locked up and thrown rudely to the
ground and tied into little greasy knots." -- Chas Clements

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