
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:28 PM, claudio canepa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Searching the pygame site with 'shaders + opengl' got many hits. Can you
> point to the specif script(s) in trouble ?
I was referring to these tutorials:
Which when modified give me this error:
ValueError: glShaderSource requires 2 arguments (shaderObj, string),
received 4: (2L, 1, <cparam 'P' (046cc5f8)>, <cparam 'P' (046cc4b8)>)

The google search suggested returns a lot of references to those and to this
one, which I hadn't seen, but no others:
It crashes too.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 5:58 PM, René Dudfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There's been a recent fix in cvs to get them working on windows again
> (I think your platform).

That's great news!

> I know that recently a bunch of shader examples were added to cvs too.
> So... use pyopengl cvs, and help out with bug reports and patches :)
> Mike is pretty responsive over there, but if you have any patches I
> can apply them as well if you need.

This will sound terribly stupid, but I don't know how to install PyOpenGl
from cvs.


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