> I fixed the problem, I think.  The issue is in the way the sound is
> created.  There's sometimes a bit of static-ey stuff in there on my system
> which I don't have time to track down right now.  Hope it helps,

Thank you, Ian, for the correction. You are right, that my math was
not correct. I was producing 22000 samples for one second instead of
22050. I also appreciate the normalized amplitude.

But from what I understand, this shouldn't matter to the core issue
here (besides of slightly off-pitch), because play() (with loops=-1,
of course) simply loops over the provided sample.

Thus, your solution still produces the same rattle as my try. I
charted both arrays, and they are basically equivalent.

Any other ideas, where the rattle comes from? I have a cheap build-in
soundcard, but this has been perfectly been able to provide decent
music with other software, so far.

- Jerzy

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