not messy if there is no source to look at :)

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Kris Schnee <> wrote:
> Here's a demo (5 MB EXE w/source) of the little squirrel-game engine
> mentioned earlier. The sample level is 100x25 tiles (50x50 pixels each).
> Though the code's messy it's actually a partial improvement on my
> earlier scrolling-tile engine, due to a steady "camera" that always
> draws the PC at a specific pixel location.
> I'd appreciate thoughts on making the movement more satisfying.
> Possibilities include:
> -Gliding: hold Jump when falling to reduce terminal velocity
> -Wall-grabbing without holding left/right
> -Checking more points below the player, to land on the edges of platforms
> -Jumping off walls

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