T <http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/grep.htm>here is also a grep for
windows in the gnuwin32! [http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/]

Us windows kids can also be cool!

Daniel Tousignant-Brodeur

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 4:40 PM, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com>wrote:

> grep is a unix command for searching files. All us cool Linux kids know
> it :)
> But the Windows equivalent would just be to search in the pygame
> examples folder for any files that contain the word SLK_
> ---
> James
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 09:24:56PM +0100, sne...@msn.com wrote:
> >    grep -r for "SDLK_" ? O.o
> >
> >    Just so you know, i'm 100% new at programming, so all input is greatly
> >    received and please be patient if I need everything spelled out.
> >
> >    Thanks for the help Mark
> >    From: 0wl
> >    Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 9:06 PM
> >    To: pygame-users@seul.org
> >    Subject: Re: [pygame] newbie
> >    Hi,
> >    Here's a little trick: try grep -r for "SDLK_" for example in some
> game's
> >    code, it will search recursively through all the game's files. this
> way
> >    you do not have to reinvent the wheel.
> >    Love, tullarisc.
> >
> >    2010/3/26 <sne...@msn.com>
> >
> >      These are gems Kris, thanks, if I had to figure all this out by
> trial &
> >      error, i'd still be here till next millenium not have a beta churned
> >      out!
> >
> >      some one mentioned to look at  the mvc on another mailing list which
> is
> >      what
> >      i'm trying to follow, it kinda makes sense but my learning resources
> are
> >      limited to the internet at the minute. I have been reading through
> the
> >      codes of the games on pygame to get an idea of how it works thought
> they
> >      can be quite difficult to follow & find how they have structured it,
> if
> >      anyone feels the need to write a really simplified game & put it up
> on
> >      pygame........... :.P
> >
> >      The variables have no specific meaning bar easy reference as the
> numpad
> >      on
> >      my keyboard has arrows on it.
> >
> >      I haven't had a chance to read through your sudjestions yet (on the
> >      books 2nite) but I will get back with more Q's (if that's cool.
> >
> >      If anyone's interested, Py Em Up has a really interesting way of
> >      levelmakeing using bmp images
> >      --------------------------------------------------
> >      From: "Kris Schnee" <ksch...@xepher.net>
> >      Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:20 PM
> >      To: <pygame-users@seul.org>
> >      Subject: Re: [pygame] newbie
> >
> >        On 3/25/2010 6:03 PM, sne...@msn.com wrote:
> >
> >          Ah, yes I see what's happening, the last time I was doing it I
> was
> >          using:
> >          ...........KEYDOWN:
> >          if event.key == K_LEFT:
> >          foreward = True
> >          ...........KEYUP:
> >          if event.key == K_LEFT:
> >          foreward = False
> >          meaning it was staying true, until key up but now it's not
> keeping
> >          the
> >          output next time round & waiting for it again.
> >          could you elaborate on this bit 'You could make the character
> move
> >          every
> >          frame (eg. setting a speed and
> >          moving by that speed per frame) until a KEYUP event happens', or
> is
> >          that
> >          pretty much what I 'was' doing?
> >
> >        If you said, "On a KEYDOWN event, set speed to N and set direction
> to
> >        whatever; and on a KEYUP event, stop," then the result should be
> that
> >        the
> >        character keeps moving until you let go of the key. If you said,
> "On a
> >        KEYDOWN event, move," then you should get one frame of movement
> each
> >        time
> >        you press (not hold) the key.
> >
> >        My advice is to figure out what the player's trying to do first,
> like
> >        "move right", and then actually execute the movement in a separate
> bit
> >        of
> >        code ("if moving right..."). That's useful for things like
> replacing
> >        what
> >        keys do what, or having some non-interactive event steer the
> >        character.
> >
> >          Could I use "keys_down = pygame.key.get_pressed" then
> >          "if keys_down[K_RIGHT] ## move right",
> >
> >          in this way:
> >          class character():
> >          ................
> >          def update(self, d, sp):
> >          if d == 6:
> >          self.x += sp
> >          elif d == 4:
> >          self.x -= sp
> >          elif d == 8:
> >          self.y -= sp
> >          elif d == 2:
> >          self.y += sp
> >
> >        Why use this odd numeric-keypad code for the direction? Other than
> the
> >        variable names and that code, this looks usable. But think about
> >        what'd
> >        happen if I pressed RIGHT and UP at the same time: the code would
> see
> >        the
> >        RIGHT, set the direction to right, then probably see the UP
> (depending
> >        on
> >        which was mentioned last in the code) and change the direction to
> up.
> >
> >        A different way to handle the movement would be something like:
> >        player.coords = [42,100] ## some starting value
> >        ## In a loop:
> >        movement = [0,0]
> >        if keys_down[K_RIGHT]:
> >         movement[0] = speed
> >        ...
> >        if keys_down[K_UP]:
> >         movement[1] = speed
> >        ...
> >        player.move(movement)
> >
> >        def Move(movement):
> >         self.coords[0] += movement[0]
> >         self.coords[1] += movement[1]
> >
> >        You'd then get diagonal movement, and not have to specify the
> >        direction,
> >        and could apply effects like muddy ground multiplying the X and Y
> >        movement
> >        by .5 or something. The actual diagonal speed would be sqrt(2) *
> speed
> >        though, which might matter.
> >
> >          def controls():
> >
> >          output = 0
> >          keysDown = pygame.key.get_pressed():
> >
> >        Why is there a colon after the function call? That's only for
> defining
> >        it.
> >
> >        Are you familiar with the "Model/View/Controller" style of
> organizing
> >        a
> >        game, by the way? It's similar to what you're doing, and pretty
> >        useful.

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