Hi everyone,

It seems that as useful as it has been makeref,py, the custom Pygame document generator, is showing its age. It makes little sense to continue maintaining makeref.py when other, more powerful, document generators are available off-the-shelf. So I am proposing to convert Pygame's custom .doc files to reSTructuredText, and have docutils and Sphinx generate the documents. As well as being the tool chain used to produce the Python documents, Marcus uses reST for pgreloaded. Also, Julian (jug) has translated the Pygame doc source to reST once already. But I admit I did not fully appreciated his efforts at the time.

I am already improving the makeref.py tokenizer for use in a Pygame DOC to reST translator. Julian already wrote a makeref.py based translator. I hope to using his reST version of the Pygame doc sources as a guide for a translator that produces reST files closer to the final product. If nothing else, makeref.py will generate somewhat cleaner web pages.

Before going any further I need to know what to keep from the current Pygame document layout, what should change, and what can be added. I suppose this has been discussed before, but I kind of missed it. Also, if there are objections to moving to reST now is the time to raise them.

Lenard Lindstrom

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