
What it would give us.

- a documented format (our custom format isn't widely known, even though
it's very simple).
- reSTructuredText can be converted into other formats.

I think just those two are probably worthwhile enough reasons to do it.

The other question to ask is, can we cover all the functionality of the
current system?  I think so.


I like the current html output mostly.  It'd be nice if we could keep it to
being very similar.  Can we do that easily with .rst ?


On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 11:41 PM, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> What does it gain?
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <le...@telus.net> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> It seems that as useful as it has been makeref,py, the custom Pygame
>> document generator, is showing its age. It makes little sense to continue
>> maintaining makeref.py when other, more powerful, document generators are
>> available off-the-shelf. So I am proposing to convert Pygame's custom .doc
>> files to reSTructuredText, and have docutils and Sphinx generate the
>> documents. As well as being the tool chain used to produce the Python
>> documents, Marcus uses reST for pgreloaded. Also, Julian (jug) has
>> translated the Pygame doc source to reST once already. But I admit I did not
>> fully appreciated his efforts at the time.
>> I am already improving the makeref.py tokenizer for use in a Pygame DOC to
>> reST translator. Julian already wrote a makeref.py based translator. I hope
>> to using his reST version of the Pygame doc sources as a guide for a
>> translator that produces reST files closer to the final product. If nothing
>> else, makeref.py will generate somewhat cleaner web pages.
>> Before going any further I need to know what to keep from the current
>> Pygame document layout, what should change, and what can be added. I suppose
>> this has been discussed before, but I kind of missed it. Also, if there are
>> objections to moving to reST now is the time to raise them.
>> Lenard Lindstrom

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