Im late to this threath but....

Why dont recalculate de vector in each iteration?....

they are two substractions... not a extensive calculation... no?

This way missile ALWAYS will reach it objetive.

2011/7/25 BIAGINI Nathan <>:
> Thanks.
> The TD i have planned to code may contain lot of direction changes so i
> think i will use homing missile, i have already started to code a kind of
> homing missile firing system using vector thanks to numpy and it s not too
> bad.
> Le 25 juil. 2011 à 06:07, Jake b <> a écrit
> This calculates to shoot in the path of the target.
> Like how you throw a football, to lead the catcher. Instead of where they
> are at that second.
> For tower defense, some Bullets fly fast enough you don't have to lead.
> Slower bullets fire, then every frame you:
> Move the bullet location toward target. ( without leading )
> Thats simple homing, but you can skip the steering part a homing missile
> has. The trajectory will end up curving, depending on speeds used.
> For a straight line you will have to lead. But leading will miss if target
> chamges direction or speed.
> On Saturday, July 23, 2011, Joe Ranalli <> wrote:
>> Yes.
>> So to be more explicit:
>> 1 Calculate the distance between the source and the target.
>> 2 Calculate the time for the bullet to move that distance (i.e. by
>> dividing this distance by the bullet velocity)
>> 3 Calculate newposition (multiply the target velocity by the time
>> calculated in the previous step, add to original target position)
>> 1a Recalculate the distance between the source and newposition
>> 2a Recalculate the time for the bullet to move from the source to
>> newposition (i.e. divide the new distance by the bullet velocity)
>> 3a Recalculate newposition using this new time (multiply the target
>> velocity by the new time calculated in the previous step, add to original
>> target position)
>> On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Nathan BIAGINI <>
>> wrote:
>>> Ok so thanks all for all your replies i will work with all that. I don't
>>> know already if i want to use homing missile style which seems to be easier
>>> to code or to use an algorithm to fire straight to the right spot.
>>> To be honest, i'm not native english speaker and it's not always easy to
>>> figure out what you really mean but i'm doing my best.
>>> I just want to ask you Joe about your algorithm :
>>>> If you want to have the bullet go straight to the right spot, you need
>>>> to:
>>>> 1) calculate how long the bullet will take to get to the enemy
>>>> 2) calculate where the enemy will be at that time (newposition)
>>>> 3) calculate how long it will take the bullet to get to newposition
>>>> 4) recalculate newposition based on the new time
>>> Ok so i think the first step is pretty clear to me, the step 2 too but i
>>> don't understand the step 3. My english isn't the best i repeat so... i have
>>> to calculate how long the bullet will take to go to 'newposition'. So i will
>>> get a new time value and then i need to recalculate newposition based on
>>> this new time? And fire at 'newposition'? And also, to be sure,
>>> 'newposition' is the virtual position of the target after the time taken by
>>> the bullet to hit it, right?
>>> Sorry if it seems to be straigh forward to you :-)
>>> Of course i will try others way like Lee suggested me.
>>> Thanks.
>>> 2011/7/20 Joe Ranalli <>
>>>> It depends what you're trying to do.
>>>> If you draw the straight line between the tower and the enemy and use
>>>> that vector to translate a bullet each tick, the bullets might miss the
>>>> enemy.  Think about it this way, the bullet moves 2 steps toward the enemy,
>>>> then the enemy moves 1 step, then the bullet moves 2, etc.  Because the
>>>> enemy moves the bullet will have to change its direction through the
>>>> flight.  So you could calculate the direction vector between the bullet and
>>>> the enemy every tick and have the bullet move that direction.  That would
>>>> make the bullets kind of arc to the target.
>>>> If you want to have the bullet go straight to the right spot, you need
>>>> to:
>>>> 1) calculate how long the bullet will take to get to the enemy
>>>> 2) calculate where the enemy will be at that time (newposition)
>>>> 3) calculate how long it will take the bullet to get to newposition
>>>> 4) recalculate newposition based on the new time
>>>> Technically you could iterate that repeatedly until newposition
>>>> converges.  Practically, iterating once probably gets you close enough
>>>> unless the movement is extremely complicated.
>>>> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Nathan BIAGINI <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> i would like to know what are the common way to handle "trajectory" in
>>>>> a 2d game. In fact, i think of writing a tower defense game and i wonder 
>>>>> how
>>>>> to handle the trajectory of the missile launch by the towers. I though of
>>>>> getting the pos of the tower and the target and create a vector between 
>>>>> this
>>>>> two entitites to make a sprite translation of this vector but there is 
>>>>> maybe
>>>>> some tricky stuff to do it.
>>>>> Thanks in advance and happy game making all :-)
> --
> Jake

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