On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Mac Ryan <quasipe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Sep 2011 11:41:19 -0400
> Christopher Night <cosmologi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Suppose the current transformation is (x, y) -> (0.1x, 0.1y). What
> > pygame Rect will the following correspond to (after all the
> > coordinates are coerced to ints)?
> Could you please articulate a bit more? I'm not sure I followed. From
> your post it seems to me that you are imagining a two-way
> transformation in which you use model-scaled data to the draw
> function (draw a 150 metres radius circle) and you also get
> model-scaled data when you query the object (what is the size of the
> bounding rect for the circle? --> 300 metres).
> What I am talking about is just a "one-way" transformation that convert
> the input of the drawing functions. In pseudocode:
>    >>> init_surface(scale_factor=0.1)
>    >>> draw_circle(radius=150)
>    >>> get_size_bounding_rect()
>    ... 30x30

That's how I understood it... I'm not sure what I said that made it sound
like I was thinking of a two-way transformation.... Let me try rephrasing my
question using your notation. Please tell me what the following would output
(where I have question marks), and tell me if you don't understand what I
mean by the pseudocode:

>>> init_surface(scale_factor = 0.1)
>>> r1 = myrect(0, 0, 108, 10)
>>> r1.left = 4
>>> fill_rect(r1)
>>> get_size_bounding_rect()
??? x ???

I assume it would either be 10x1 or 11x1. Do you understand my question now?


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