Yeah, I'm probably worrying prematurely.
I'm very easily influenced by FUD and there are a lot of messages floating
around that Python (and Ruby) are too slow for making games.

yours truly

2011/11/23 Christopher Night <>

> I don't know why you would be concerned about performance in a visual
> novel game. Aren't they pretty undemanding? I haven't played these games
> very much, but isn't it just a series of still images (no animations) and a
> simple GUI?
> You might want to look at a pyweek entry called Gregor Samsa. I know that
> team put some effort into optimizing things and wound up with a respectable
> framerate even on mobile devices running Android:
> But again, I feel like performance is the least of your concerns if that's
> your kind of game. If there's some specific thing you're expecting to cause
> low performance, maybe you can ask about it specifically.
> Good luck!
> -Christopher
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Nick Arnoeyts <>wrote:
>> Alright. Thanks for your reply everyone.
>> I'm currently still working on a Ren'py project, but I'm probably going
>> to try pygame once that's finished. I'm mostly making visual novels,
>> though, so it's possible that I'm staying with ren'py until I reach its
>> limits.
>> yours truly
>> armornick
>> 2011/11/23 stabbingfinger <>
>>> Hi, Armor Nick.
>>> Some common bottlenecks I've encountered:
>>> rendering many images per frame
>>> brute force collision checking
>>> computationally intensive logic and AI
>>> real-time image transformation
>>> heavy usage of images with SRCALPHA
>>> 2D and 2.5D layering
>>> particles
>>> These are easy limits to hit early on especially in scrollers,
>>> platformers, and bullet hell type games, or when you start adding
>>> environment and GFX.
>>> But there are clever techniques that pygamers have developed to deal
>>> with them in the form of cookbook recipes, libraries, and modules. Many
>>> issues can be easily mitigated by selecting a culling technique or two to
>>> reduce the number of things processed each game loop.
>>> Some people popping into IRC lately seem easily frustrated by these
>>> challenges, wanting an inefficient workload to just perform well. I can
>>> understand the sentiment. But I personally get an immense amount of
>>> pleasure from conquering these challenges. :)
>>> When I started pygame three years ago I was told you can't do a
>>> scrolling action-RPG: it's too much work for the CPU. Since then, computers
>>> became a significantly faster and several people have produced reasonably
>>> impressive action-RPGs, as well as other genre.
>>> For some examples one only has to look among the top places at
>>>, where pygame competes with the likes of pyglet, cocos2d,
>>> and rabbyt, all of which have the proclaimed advantage of 3D acceleration.
>>> It's become clear to me that for most hobby games the only real limitation
>>> is the resourcefulness of the programmer.
>>> I personally haven't yet hit a wall with Python or pygame that forced me
>>> to look at another framework or a natively compiled language, and I've done
>>> a few relatively ambitious projects.
>>> That may seem like a biased representation of Python's and pygame's
>>> capabilities, but I assure you it's not. A few times a year my eyes wander
>>> to other game development libraries or engines, but I keep coming right
>>> back to pygame.
>>> Hope that perspective helps.
>>> Gumm
>>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Chris Smith <>wrote:
>>>> You can use Renpy for graphic novels. SNES RPG's would be no problem.
>>>> For AI and other things, python might be slow but you will probably be
>>>> surprised how far you can go with it. It'll certainly be easier than going
>>>> the C++ route (although I'm not a C++ fan, to be honest... I'd use Lisp if
>>>> I needed the code to be faster).
>>>> On 23 November 2011 21:47, Nick Arnoeyts <>wrote:
>>>>> I'm actually not quite sure what I'm going to write yet. Either an RPG
>>>>> in the style of SNES-era Final Fantasy, or a visual novel (if you know
>>>>> Higurashi or Clannad). I'm not (yet) interested in 3D and I would 
>>>>> certainly
>>>>> do something like that in C++.
>>>>> Pygame is probably fast enough for the graphics, but I was wondering
>>>>> how performance would be for AI and other calculations.
>>>>> yours truly
>>>>> armornick
>>>>> 2011/11/23 Chris Smith <>
>>>>>> You can't really compare the language C++ with the library Python.
>>>>>> You could compare C++ / SDL with Python / Pygame, and probably C++
>>>>>> would be faster (but maybe by not as much as you think)... but it would
>>>>>> certainly take a lot more time to write the code.
>>>>>> As to what you can do with Pygame, well it is a 2D library that I
>>>>>> find fast enough for most things. In some ways I think Pygame is a little
>>>>>> 'old-school': Pygame does not do a lot for you, but it gets out of the 
>>>>>> way,
>>>>>> and perhaps most importantly, it's small enough to fit in my mind but big
>>>>>> enough to do what I want.
>>>>>> Unless you develop as part of a team you need 3D, you are unlikely to
>>>>>> choose a project that Pygame cannot handle in some way.
>>>>>> Perhaps you could tell us more about what you wanted to write... that
>>>>>> would make it easier to tell you if Pygame could do this for you.
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> On 23 November 2011 21:07, Nick Arnoeyts <>wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey everyone
>>>>>>> I was wondering what the limits of pygame performance are. What is
>>>>>>> the absolute maximum kind of game that can be written with it, and what
>>>>>>> kinds of things are better done in pure C++ than python?
>>>>>>> This is probably a question that's asked periodically on the mailing
>>>>>>> list, so I apologize in advance.
>>>>>>> Yours truly
>>>>>>> Armor Nick

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