On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Andrew Godfroy <killer...@hotmail.com>wrote:

>   Alright, Thank you for explaining it to me :) Now that I know whats
> happening I think I found a Solution. inside if my __init__ I added an
> extra variable “self.oldimage = self.image” Then inside of the rotateimage
> call, I have it set to: “self.image = pygame.transform.rotate
> (self.oldimage, -angle_degrees)”  This way, it will call up the oldimage,
> and save to the new surface.
Yes.  This is a valid solution.

Except in the trivial case, the rotated image will still be a different
size, of course.  Remember to offset the image correctly (I recommend
calling .get_width() and .get_height()) and then subtracting half that from
your player's position to get draw coordinates.

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