On 15/12/11 10:51, Zack Baker wrote:
Ok, I have deleted everything pygame I could find an now I'm going to reinstall 
Along with python 3.2 because I guess now they are compatible on OSX which 
would be great.
Btw in case it doesn't could you point me too a link that shows how to compile 
source? Thanks

It's a while since I did it, but as far as I remember, compiling pygame
itself just requires the standard

   python setup.py install

However, before doing that, you should make sure you have libraries
available for handling all the image formats you intend to use. I
had to install libpng and libjpeg (they're easy to compile from source
as well).

You should probably also check that you have the relevant libraries
for fonts and sound. Framework versions of these seem to work best
on OSX. I didn't compile them myself, I just dropped in binary
distributions of SDL_ttf.framework and SDL_mixer.framework (I found
these somwehere on the pygame web site, if I remember correctly).

When you compile pygame, it will given you a summary of which
optional libraries it did and didn't find. If anything is missing,
you can compile again after tracking down and installing them.


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