From: [] On
Behalf Of Christopher Night
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [pygame] Capabilities of Pygame


> Seriously, what kind of game do you want to make?

I have a couple in mind: an internet multi-player side scroller based on the
rules to Sparkle, a sandbox-type world combining missions and social
situations, various sports titles. All of the games will take place solely
in an audio medium.

> If you're working on a game that you could conceivably write by yourself
or with a small team, python will probably be up for the job. In neither
case is performance going to be the main consideration of you personally.

That's good to know. With as much as critics of Python harp on the speed, I
was worried that resulting software was going to crawl along at a snail's
pace. Are there any situations that come to mind where Python wouldn't work?

Thanks a lot for all your help.



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