Or just set it to -1? (Docs are wonderful:
http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/music.html#pygame.mixer.music.play )

On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Zack Baker <zbaker1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I use it for my 'soundtracks' in the games. The only problem I run into
> with it is it takes a 'loop' argument, which is how many times the song
> should loop, I wish you could set this too infinite but I usually set it
> too 500 and that seems to work. Assuming no one will play my game for mor
> than 26 hours in a row...
> -Zack
> On Jan 13, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Christopher Night <cosmologi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <le...@telus.net> wrote:
>> On 13/01/12 01:43 PM, Julian Marchant wrote:
>>> --- On Fri, 1/13/12, Lenard Lindstrom<le...@telus.net>  wrote:
>>>  Also,
>>>> though SDL does support streaming, Pygame does not.
>>>> Everything must be loaded before played.
>>> Um... that's not true.  pygame.mixer.music is Pygame's streaming module.
>> Oh right, I forgot about file like objects. Has anyone managed to use the
>> music module to play streaming audio?
> I feel like I'm misunderstanding you, but yes I use pygame.mixer.music to
> stream audio from an OGG file all the time. I've never had a problem with
> it. Is that what you're asking?
> -Christopher

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