
To check whether PyGame is installed, in IDLE, type:

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

None of these lines should throw errors.  If they do, you have an install
problem.  To make a basic window, type:

surf = pygame.display.set_mode((400,200))

If a window pops up, great!  Then, to get rid of that window, type:


As for basic tutorials, Googling "PyGame tutorial" yields this simple
example on the second link:
. . . and this one on the third:
I personally find that the best way to learn is to just try to make
something.  For PyGame for example, making a Pong clone is a classic first
project.  Just find some example code and take wild guesses at what
everything does.  If you get stuck there's always this list.

Finally, as for downloading and running on PyGame.org, simply click on one
of the projects at right, and then follow the links.


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