On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 3:58 PM, DR0ID <dr...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
> Hi
> Your idea is nice and I'm sure it works perfectly for grid based sprite
> sheets. Its simple and uses only one file.
> In my opinion there are following cons:
> many sprite sheets you can find might be grid base, but there are also many
> that are not (copy the images into a grid might work, but has it's drawbacks
> too)
> if you have a separate file you could define your animation sequences
> reusing the same sprite over and over (example: you have a standing
> character image, that image you want to use in a walk, jump, idle animation,
> one image instead of copy it three times to each grid based sprite sheet,
> what if you have to change it?)
> if the image offset is wrong in a grid based sprite sheet you need to move
> it in a image editor, but using a different file you just change a (magic)
> number
> the image size limits are only set by the image edit, your (video) ram, your
> hardware speed
> It would be useful if there would be a visual tool to generate the extra
> files and and a python module to facilitate the loading of such files and
> sprite sheets. I have given it myself some thoughts for some time now. I
> would be happy to elaborate.

It would be awesome if there was a pygame plugin for this tool:

It uses an open sourced xml format called scml that allows skeletal
animation and there are several implementations being developed by the
community for various languages and engines:

Spriter itself isn't open source, but there's a free beta here for
Windows, Mac and Linux:

Carlos Z

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