If you don't mind me plugging my modules, I made Pyganim (a frame animation
module) and Pygcurse (a curses module).



On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 7:31 PM, Christopher Night <cosmologi...@gmail.com>

> For what it's worth, I did finally get around to removing the numpy
> dependency from ptext after your feedback. As far as I know, the current
> version doesn't require numpy, but let me know if you find that's not the
> case. (Of course, if you prefer your version, that's perfectly fine too.)
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 11:42 AM DR0ID <dr...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Gummbum and I didn't like the numpy dependency of ptext, therefore we
>> wrote a pygame only version: pygametext.py
>> It does the same as ptext but using only pygame as dependency. If you
>> want to be sure, there is also a comparer script that renders the output of
>> both so it can be  compared.
>> https://bitbucket.org/dr0id/pyknic/src/f8bee5c15ec7c7399f15fc3b2e1424
>> 793c63c3b2/pyknic-lib/experimental/textrendering/?at=default
>> On 07.04.2018 10:33, Daniel Pope wrote:
>> ptext is very good:
>> https://github.com/cosmologicon/pygame-text
>> On Thu, 5 Apr 2018, 11:11 René Dudfield, <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What are some awesome libraries for pygame?
>>>    - available via pip
>>>    - documented (with examples, and API docs)
>>>    - generally awesome for some reason (even if not perfect, maybe it
>>>    has potential)
>>> I'll start with a few...
>>>    - pyscroll <https://github.com/bitcraft/pytmx>. Scrolling maps. Fast
>>>    scrolling images easy.
>>>    - pyTMX <https://github.com/bitcraft/pytmx>. Reads Tiled Map Editors
>>>    TMX maps. Can use a Map editor easily.
>>>    - pyinstaller <https://www.pyinstaller.org/>. Make installers for
>>>    different platforms. Very easy to use to make installers.
>>>    - pymunk <http://www.pymunk.org/en/latest/>. 2d physics library.
>>>    Lots of examples, very well maintained.
>>> What's awesome or almost awesome?
>>> ps. I also asked over on the reddit.
>>> https://www.reddit.com/r/pygame/comments/89ygm7/pygame_
>>> awesome_libraries/

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