On Fri, 26 May 2000, Aaron Optimizer Digulla wrote:

> On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 09:59:47AM -0600, Joe Van Andel wrote:
> > I tried window.queue_resize(), but it made no difference.  I also tried
> > the following, where self.__table is packed inside self.__vbox, and it
> > didn't help, either. 
> ?? That's very strange :-/ Are you sure the new added widgets are
> visible ? Try to reduce the code to the smallest possible demo
> (ie. a table with a button and that button adds a row to the table).
> Also, did you call table.resize() with the new number of rows and
> columns ?
In situations like this, I would also recommend trying another window
manager.  Sometimes buggy window managers can cause problems like this.


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