On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:

> On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Niklas Saers Mailinglistaccount wrote:
> > > Actually, I was seriously considering making a null library (that
> > > has all the right calls but no code). Call it "equiet" and ln -s it
> > > to the esound locations.:)
> > 
> > Ok, so bottom line is that this is something which should be fixed in
> > Gnome, right? If so, who should we let know about this (to have it
> > fixed) and who should contact that person(s)? No point in everyone
> > here telling about it as that would be like a flame and make the
> > author reluctant to doing this.
> Because of the politics of gnome, it isn't going to happen. Period.

If you don't have esound installed on your system when compiling gnome, it
won't use it.  If it was installed and you don't want gnome to use it,
start the control center and go to the sound properties capplet and
uncheck the "enable sound server startup" check box.  That should fix the


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