On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, James Henstridge wrote:

> > This presumes I'm using a gnome-based system, which I'm not. I've heard
> > three people complaining that Glade can't open /dev/dsp. This is insane.
> Well, it would be gnome that is using esound, so I thought that was a
> fairly valid asumption.

Insofar as one can develop gnome apps without one's self running any
(other than the one being developed), not necessarily. It's one of the
problems that's been a turnoff for a lot of people who like some stuff in
gnome, but not all of it,  especially since there's been pressure to move
away from gtk+-only apps.

> > I don't care for that kind of bloat in my window manager or environment.
> The control center is not that large.

But then I'd have to *have* it there and have it available and keep it
updated and that's more of a chore and a commitment than I'm willing to

> > Heck, I can't even get the gnome-python stuff to run with instructions
> > that worked fine for a year. Obviously, there's now even more
> > dependencies than there used to be.
> You can also make this change by hand by editing ~/.gnome/sound/system
> (create it if it doesn't exist), and change the start_esd key to false in
> the settings section.  So it might look something like:
>   [settings]
>   start_esd=false

Noted and thanks.

> Now none of the gnome apps should try to start esd.

They still all fail on the gnome-druid stuff though. As in not run at all.

As in: gnome_druid_append_page

_Deirdre   *   http://www.sfknit.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
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