Hi James,

 First I'd like to thank you for all your hard work. I have used 
gnome-python and only that, and I have found it to be great. Having 
quasi-automatic bindings for all future gtk/gnome stuff is also awesome.

 Now below are my answers to your questions.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 6/19/00, 11:49:25 PM, James Henstridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding [pygtk] New snapshot:

> I just put up a new snapshot of the extension class based pygtk.  It is
> available at:

> As I have said before, you can build this, but don't install it if you
> need a working pygtk/gnome-python on your system.  You can run the
> examples by setting PYTHONPATH appropriately.  For instance, from the 
> directory of pygtk, you can do:
>   PYTHONPATH=. python examples/ide/browse.py

> I have added a statement to import ltihooks in gtk/__init__.py, so you
> don't need to explicitely import it to get examples to work without
> installing the development pygtk (ltihooks is a set of import hooks that
> gives python knowledge about .la libtool libraries when trying to import
> modules).

> I have been wondering if it is worth stabilising the extension class
> branch and releasing it as a new version for use with gtk-1.2 (which 
> also mean converting over the rest of gnome-python), or go straight on to
> port to gtk-1.3/4.  Does anyone have any comments on this?

 Unless gtk 1.4/gnome2.0 is due very soon, I'd go with moving to 
extension class right away to allow guys like me to get acquainted with 
it and change my code accordingly. This would help me and others in my 
situation to get ready asap. 

> Another thing I have been thinking about for the gnome-2.0 release
> (whenever that happens) is whether it would be a good idea to not include
> pygtk as part of the gnome-python package (so it would have to be
> installed separately).  Does this sound like a good idea?

 I believe pygtk should be available alone for those people who don't 
want to use gnome for any reason whatsoever. But as far as I am 
concerned, gnome-python should include both. For instance in my case, I 
keep needing both. Gnome doesn't have all the widgets I need. But maybe 
this would change by 2.0. Who knows? You probably more than me in any 

> James.

> --
> WWW:   http://www.daa.com.au/~james/   http://www.daa.com.au/~james/

Hassan Aurag
WWW: http://www.geocities.com/h_aurag 

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