I have put a new snapshot of pygtk available at:

This version adds support for GtkGLArea and libglade.  These were pretty
easy add using the new code generator.  In future, it should be very easy
to add support for new libraries in pygtk and gnome-python.

I also changed things a little bit so arguments that are supposed to
accept only GtkObjects that are subclasses of a particular type accept
only python objects of that type.  This means that you can't add non
GtkWidgets to a container for instance.  This is important for when I
start doing gtk-1.4 support, as almost all types in gtk and gdk are
subclasses of GObject.

I am at a stage where the extension based pygtk can do most things the old
system could.  I haven't done any speed tests on it, but it doesn't seem
slower (it is probably a bit faster).  At this point, it is only worth
continuing the gtk-1.2 based work if we are going to release it.  The
problem with releasing this version is that it causes some breakage, and
when gtk-1.4 comes out there will be some more breakage.  It may be better
to have only one lot of breakage.

I am interested if this newest snapshot has any problems that cause
portability problems to windows (pygtk-0.6.x has some problems).  I think
I fixed them so that only makefiles need changing, but I may be wrong.


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