Quoting James Henstridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > > I, for example, cannot use gnome but I use pygtk. Therefore,
> > > I depend on an independend pygtk package (a .tar.gz to be precise).
> > > The reason for this is: I'm developing in a tight/secure environment
> > > and I must restrict myself to the smallest set of tools possible.
> > Many of us are not enamored with the way gnome has been headed, so I
> > also prefer a gnome-less gtk option.
> There will always be a gtk only pygtk.  What I was wondering about was
> whether it would be a good idea to stop including pygtk inside
> gnome-python as well.

Ah :-) Well, having one package instead of two is usually more comfortable
for the user but more work for you (you must sync them). In that case,
I'd vote for having two packages, pygtk-only and gnome+pygtk (instead
of pygtk-only and gnome-which-depends-on-pygtk-only).

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