On Tue, 2002-04-23 at 22:43, Ben Hines wrote:
> PyGTK is unhappy on case insensitive filesystems: ie. HFS+ on Mac OS X.
> Is there any chance that this will ever work, possibly for the next 
> major revision?  The problem is GTK.py vs gtk.py, in the same 
> directory.
> I changed GTK.py (the constants) to GTKc.py as a test, and modified 
> the sample apps to use it instead of GTK, and it worked. Doing that 
> would cause every app that uses GTK to have to be modified, though. 
> Is there a way to install pygtk so that the GTK and gtk modules end 
> up in different directories? (I don't actually KNOW python that well. 
> :)

In my apps I don't include GTK directly since gtk.py does that.  I just
use the constants through gtk, e.g. gtk.TRUE.

> Fink bug on the issue:
> I really hope you consider fixing this, since OS X is gaining a lot 
> of acceptance in the geek community. :) It's a big market.
> Thanks!
> -Ben
> -- 
> http://homepage.mac.com/bhines/
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