Kai Weber wrote:

distribution to use as an example in the tutorial. Please let me know if you have suggestions or find errors in the tutorial.

I try learning pygtk with your nice tutorial. I have a question regarding the helloworld.py example.

What is the reason to connect the "clicked" event on the button directly
to the window's destroy function?
        self.button.connect("clicked", lambda wid,win: win.destroy(),

There is already an defined destroy-callback function which can be used

self.button.connect("clicked", self.destroy)

Or is this just there for learning purposes? Besides that I do not
understand your explanation why we need a lambda function there.

This illustrates connection to two different types of signal handlers: one user defined, the other a Window method. The button callback passes two args to the callback function but the Window destroy() method only takes one; the lambda function mediates between these.

A better way to do this is to use the connect_object() method:

self.button.connect("clicked", gtk.Widget.destroy, self.window)

which replaces the Button object in the callback with the Window object.

Thanks for the feedback Kai. I'll change the tutorial to use the connect_object() method.


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