On Monday 24 March 2003 02:52 am, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> Michael McLay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Of the big three; PyGtk, wxPython, and PyQT; I believe the PyGtk
> > package is probably the closest match to the Python coding
> > philosophy and style. It is also closer to the Tkinter programming
> > model. PyGtk is written in C and the widget library seems to be a
> > superset of Tkinter. I also think James has done an excellent job of
> > making use of the Python 2.2 API for creating classes.  The library
> > has a very natural Python feel to it. Would others on this list care
> > to comment on this assertion?
> I largely agree.  But...
> The biggest weakness of PyGTK at this moment is woefully inadequate
> documentation.  The API documentation is simply not up to the standard of
> detail and clarity expected in a Python standard library.
> The most useful thing anyone could do towards this proposal would
> be to fix that.

I agree it will be very helpful to have documentation on PyGtk included in the 
standard Python distribution documentation. Having books available for PyGtk 
will also improve the utility of the new package. I would expect book 
publishers would start working on a PyGtk book if they knew it was going to 
become part of the standard Python distribution, so a commitment to add PyGtk 
to the 2.4 release would help prime the pump.

There is documentation from the Gtk project. This is analagous to the Tk 
documentation that is referenced from the Tkinter documentation. Tkinter was 
listed as an undocumented module in the standard distribution for years and 
the early documentation simply explained how to map the Tk documentation to 
the Python equivolent syntax. I suspect that many people who were using 
Tkinter before it was documented in the Python docs either used Mark's book, 
read the source code, or cribbed from the demo code examples.

Do you think it would be harmful to put the PyGtk package into the standard 
distribution prior to it being documented?

A show stopper requirement for getting packages included into the Python 
distribution is the identification of volunteers to maintain the package for 
X Windows, the Mac, and Windows. Do we have volunteers who can maintain the 
code for the three platforms?

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

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