On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Christian Reis wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 04:01:14PM +0200, Geoff Bache wrote:
> > Unfortunately, I don't want the rows to turn dark blue (I would prefer
> > that selection was indicated by italicising the text or by some other
> > means). I have tried changing everything imaginable on both the view
> As the #python folks would say, "why would you want to do that?"
> Seriously, changing the default styling for something as basic as list
> selection is asking for free usability trouble. Is there a, reasonable,
> specific reason why you *need* this styled this way? 

Yes, really.

My app is a testing framework. It is more important that it is like
other testing frameworks than that it is like other GTK applications.
The rows represent tests that turn green when successful or red when 
failing. It is then somewhat confusing if they turn blue when selected by
the user, who then cannot see the state any more.

Geoff Bache

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