
On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 14:06, John Finlay wrote:
> I've updated the PyGTK2 Tutorial at:

Great work, as always!!!

> In addition to receiving comments about tutorial problems, errors and 
> enhancements, 

While we're at it, I noticed that the new FileChooser-based methods of
selecting files are not covered. As I understand, the FileChooser is a
preferred way of selecting files in gtk2.4.

Your pygtk reference is very good on this subject. I think that
including an example code from pygtk source would make a nice subsection
in the tutorial as well.

If not, then maybe it should be added to the undocumented widgets list.

If you'd like me to put my work where my mouth is :-), let me know and I
can scribble something.


Alexander Roitman
Dept. of Neuroscience, Lions Research Building
2001 6th Street SE, Minneapolis, MN  55455
Tel (612) 625-7566   FAX (612) 626-9201

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