Chris Van Bael wrote:

> Hi,
> I haven't installed it yet, but this looks very promising after all
> the troubles I had with jhbuild building for the wrong python and
> MacPorts not so great supporting GTK on Quartz.
> I still haven't figured it out completely.

Both the Darwin/X11 version of GTK from MacPorts or Fink,
and the MacOSX/Quartz version of GTK from gtk-osx/jhbuild,
were working "just fine"*. The main reason for doing this
new installer was to avoid the need to _compile_ anything...

* see for details

Since Zero Install uses a lot of small PyGTK programs, it
wasn't efficient to wrap them into stand-alone bundles
each with a bundled version of gtk+ and pygtk inside it.
Including the development packages was also a bit bloated.

And getting rid of "that "X in the window bar" is nice too.

> One question I still have: will this install PyGTK in the Python
> provided by Apple, or in's Python? (I expect the latter
> since you say 2.5 and 2.6)
> Thanks for the work, I'll try it out for sure!

This installer explicitly uses #!/usr/bin/python for Python,
and /opt/gtk for GTK+ (with /opt/gtk/lib/python* for PyGTK)
It is _supposed_ to set up a ".pth" file, so that the system
python is able to find the site-packages from within /opt/gtk:

$ cat /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/gtkredirect.pth 
import site; site.addsitedir('/opt/gtk/lib/python2.5/site-packages')

$ cat /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/gtkredirect.pth 
import site; site.addsitedir('/opt/gtk/lib/python2.6/site-packages')

There was an earlier version that used /usr/local/bin/python
for Mac OS X 10.4, since it had python2.3 which was too old.
It could be revived too, if there was enough interest. But it
cannot use the same binaries as the 10.5/10.6 version posted.


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