Le 15/03/2011 09:00, Anders F Björklund a écrit :
I don't have a MAC, but one of my friend tested it, and it works, he was able 
to run Gajim on it with your package. The only thing he has to do was to 
install the hicolor icon theme. (some folder + one index.theme in 
I think it should be installed by your package.

Hmm, isn't this package part of freedesktop rather than
gtk+ ? And amazingly, this 1 file and empty dirs is GPL...
So it can't be included in a LGPL (+compatible) package ?

Maybe yes. I wonder how many GTK programs depends on it though. At least mine does, and I don't know how to not depend on it. We have to depend on a gtk theme, and I thought there was at least one in gtk, and I thought it was hicolor

"hicolor-icon-theme is the default icon theme that all icon themes automatically inherit from."

I have no idea how mac packages work, but is there a dependancy thing? Could your package depend on a hicolor-icon-theme package?

Yann Leboulanger
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