Dieter Verfaillie wrote:

>>>>> Hmm, isn't this package part of freedesktop rather than
>>>>> gtk+ ? And amazingly, this 1 file and empty dirs is GPL...
>>>>> So it can't be included in a LGPL (+compatible) package ?
>>> When constructing the windows all-in-one installer I've asked myself
>>> the same question and came to the conclusion that:
>>> - the installer logic is GPL'ed (my choice);
>>> - the software packages that are installed carry their own license,
>>> which the user still needs to honor.
>> I wanted my package to be LGPL, and the packaging scripts are KISS / PD.
> Sure, and that's OK. Just trying to say that you don't necessarily need
> to worry about the licenses of the goods that are being transported affecting
> the license of the vessel (the package/installer) or the tools creating the
> vessel, as there's no runtime linking going on, etc
> At least, that's how I'm interpreting these licenses. IANAL, beware, etc :)

Yeah, I've heard it before so I think that's the common interpretation:

Partly I'm wondering how a set of directories could need a license, but.
The actual package tools and the package format are proprietary anyway.
Using Apple's venerable PackageMaker, and the pkg/bom/xar file format.

The bundle "packages" are regular bsdtar tarballs, though.

>> (as it's the fourth or fifth time I'm installing PyGTK as a dependency!)
> Yeah, we're in the same situation on windows, where it is (strongly)
> recommended that each "product" (gimp, inkscape, pidgin, wireshark, etc)
> comes with it's own "platform environment" (GTK+ and friends). From a user
> perspective that can be confusing at times, but the technical reasoning
> behind that recommendation is sound.

That part is the same on Mac OS X... I would say that it "makes sense"
from a user perspective (in that it's easier to handle, manually), but
that the technical reasoning behind it is very simplistic and limited.

What I meant is that I've done one package for MacPorts, one for Fink,
one for GTK-OSX using Jhbuild, one for Homebrew, and now this custom one.
Main reason being that all of the other four variants were source-based.

>> I'm using tgz files and different scripts, but otherwise it's the same.
>> The Windows libraries are also relocatable, while I use /opt/gtk rpath.
>> Other difference was that I didn't include developer files (headers/libs),
>> but that was more for size reasons since I'm including 3 architectures...
> These are all fine by me and I'll not discuss/dispute (? lack of proper 
> English
> vocabulary on my part, sorry) the choices you make as I don't even own a mac
> machine myself. So that's up to the actual users of the package :)

The versions and selection was directly modeled after the Windows bundle.
( and download-windows-64bit.html)

>>> I encountered Glade installing icons into the "hicolor-icon-theme",
>>> other software does the same, so I've included "hicolor-icon-theme"
>>> in the installer. As noted above, hicolor is nothing more than an empty
>>> directory structure so I've added the Tango icon theme as well (a
>>> personal preference, but nobody has complained yet).
>> That would be my preference as well. Including SVG, because I like it.
>> Hmm, what else do you have there... PyGtkSourceView2, PyGooCanvas ?
> PyCairo, PyGObject, PyGTK, PyGtkSourceView2, PyGooCanvas and PyRsvg
> (the last one comes from gnome-python-desktop), Glade3, "language tools"
> (intltool, gettext, etc) and dependencies. A complete list can be seen here:

Yeah, meant "that I didn't include" there. The developer tools like
pkg-config and gettext are available, just not in the deployment pkg.

> I've had requests to add PyGTKSpell/PyEnchant by our gramps friends and
> time permitting I'll add them to the 2.24 aio installer (I hope).
>> Glade is already available from for Mac OS X.
>> (including another bundle of GTK inside). Only included libglade-2.0.
> There was no (sane) Glade3 binary package available for windows at the time,
> so the work is tracked here: 
> :)
> Also, the Glade3 version bundled in the PyGTK aio installers comes with
> "Python widgets support", so we can finally add a catalog of
> widgets created with PyGTK to Glade3 running on windows :)
> That brings the number of different Glade3 version up to 3 on windows:
> 1 supporting Python 2.6, 1 supporting Python 2.7 and one without Python 
> support.

I don't think I will bother with Python 2.7, already supporting
Python 2.5 (for 10.5) and Python 2.6 (for 10.6) so that's enough.

> That brings me to an idea: do you think it would be worth it to share
> common parts (manifest generation, compression routines, etc) of these
> build scripts in a shared repository somewhere?

I'm not sure where the manifest generation and compression routines
come in, other than that I was using the built-in gzip for "simplicity".

Recompressing the package with XZ results in a much smaller package,
but then you'd need people to install that (or bundle xzdec, ~ 50 KB)

 26M    PyGTK.pkg
 14M    PyGTK.pkg.xz

And that's bound to fail. Though I might switch .tgz to .txz later.
Guess that would be similar to switching .zip to .7z for Windows ?

> I'm asking because my next project will most likely be an adaptation on
> Tor Lillqvist's windows binary build scripts so they can be run out of the box
> on any windows system (having the necessary tools) as the current scripts are
> limited to Tor's development environment...

Eventually (one day) I'll rewrite these scripts into a generic tool.
Right after I make my own "distro". But they should be runnable now.


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