I invite you to take a look to the source code of my simplest application
where as you can see gtk.Builder() is called only once and there's no need
for further calls.

the code that you have to look for:

class GladeWidgetsWrapper:
   """Handles the retrieval of glade widgets"""

   def __init__(self, glade_file_path, gui_instance):
         self.glade_widgets = gtk.Builder()
      except: print "Failed to load the glade file"

   def __getitem__(self, key):
      """Gives us the ability to do: wrapper['widget_name'].action()"""
      return self.glade_widgets.get_object(key)

   def __getattr__(self, attr):
      """Gives us the ability to do: wrapper.widget_name.action()"""
      new_widget = self.glade_widgets.get_object(attr)
      if new_widget is None: raise AttributeError, 'Widget %r not found' %
      setattr(self, attr, new_widget)
      return new_widget


class NautilusPyExtensions:
   """The application's main window"""

   def __init__(self, store):
      # instantiate the Glade Widgets Wrapper
      self.glade = GladeWidgetsWrapper(cons.GLADE_PATH +
'nautilus-pyextensions.glade', self)


furthermode in the code you access the widgets with "self.glade.widgetname",
all signals are connected.

Hope this helps.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 17:02, Mac Ryan <quasipe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I posted the same question on Stack Overflow, but so far it only got 3
> views and no answers... :(
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6492000
> In the design of my program I would like to pass around the
> gkt.Builder() instance to various modules (each of them has
> some of the handlers for managing the GUI), but I found out
> that once the builder is instantiated one can only call the
> connect_signals() method once: if called more than once, any
> call after the second will return None (which would mean:
> all signals have been connected, which is a blatant lie!).
> I tried to see if I could understand how/where gtk.Builder
> stores the handler names that are assigned within the Glade
> GUI, in order to write my own method to overcome this limitation,
> but after more than an hour of console experiments I still
> haven't understand where this information is stored.
> Is there anybody on the list that is able to advice me? Basically I
> would be happy in any of these scenarios:
> * Find a way to re-use the same builder over and over.
> * Find an alternative method to *AUTO-assign* methods of various modules
>  as callbacks to GUI-emitted signals (with the GUI being defined in a
>  monolithic Glade Builder XML file).
> * Find a way to extract from the from the gtk.Builder (or in some other
>  way) the pairs widget-instance<->expected-handler-name as defined in
>  the Glade editor.
> As for my previous mail on this list: I solved the problem myself:
> what I misunderstood was the correct use of the method dialogue.run().
> Thanks in advance for your time,
> /mac
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