
I'm looking through your code right now, but it's not evident to me how
> this solves my problem. If I understand your code correctly, you call
> gtk.Builder.connect_signals() only once in the __init__ method of
> the GladeWidgetsWrapper class.

yes, this is enough to connect:

    def on_window_delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None):
        """Before close the application: check the Consistence of the model
with the instanced Nautilus"""
        return self.quit_application()

that is the only one that I specify in glade.
I don't like generally to use glade for signals but you can try to set all
signals you want and just define a function with the same name and it will

1. Single glade file that contains various top-level containers
>   (windows, dialogues...)

this is not a problem

> 2. The glade file also define the expected callbacks for a few events
>   (like "on_mybutton_clicked", etc...)


> 3. I have various modules (= different files = different classes) each
>   of them containing *some* of these callbacks. For example I have a
>   mainwindow.py module that have handlers like "on_main_destroy_event"
>   or "on_main_resize", but I also have a mainmenu.py one with handlers
>   like "on_file_open_activated" or "on_quite_activated".

this is a problem.
I always defined the glade callbacks in the same class,
I'm afraid you can't split them in different modules unless you use
different glade files
for different classes.

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