Thank you Giuseppe for your quick reply.

I'm looking through your code right now, but it's not evident to me how
this solves my problem. If I understand your code correctly, you call
gtk.Builder.connect_signals() only once in the __init__ method of
the GladeWidgetsWrapper class.

Further connections are explicit and happen at module level like for
example in the audacious plugin (line 75):

     item.connect('activate',, source_path_list)

Maybe it's just me that don't understand it [in which case I
apologise and will be grateful for any further clarification] but I am
under the impression my scenario is quite different than the one in
the nautilus pyextension program. My situation looks like follows:

1. Single glade file that contains various top-level containers
   (windows, dialogues...)
2. The glade file also define the expected callbacks for a few events
   (like "on_mybutton_clicked", etc...)
3. I have various modules (= different files = different classes) each
   of them containing *some* of these callbacks. For example I have a module that have handlers like "on_main_destroy_event"
   or "on_main_resize", but I also have a one with handlers
   like "on_file_open_activated" or "on_quite_activated".

What I am doing right now, is to pass to the __init__ of each of these
classes the same instance of gtk.Builder that I created in the class
acting as "facade" for the controller class. In the each of these
__init__ methods, the gtk.Builder instance is queried for widgets:

        mywidget = mybuilder.get_object(widget_name)

and this work fine. But when I try to "automagically" connect the
callbacks by issuing:


it only works in the first module (it returns - correctly - the list of
unconnected signals), but when I call it again from within the __init__
of my second module, it returns None, as if it connected all signals,
but this is not true: not even the callbacks in the second module have
been connected correctly.... :(

Any idea of how to get around this problem // explanation on how the
code in the pyextension would solve this?

Thank you in advance for your time and support! :)

On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:33:18 +0200
Giuseppe Penone <> wrote:

> I invite you to take a look to the source code of my simplest
> application
> where as you can see gtk.Builder() is called only once and there's no
> need for further calls.
> the code that you have to look for:
> class GladeWidgetsWrapper:
>    """Handles the retrieval of glade widgets"""
>    def __init__(self, glade_file_path, gui_instance):
>       try:
>          self.glade_widgets = gtk.Builder()
>          self.glade_widgets.set_translation_domain(cons.APP_NAME)
>          self.glade_widgets.add_from_file(glade_file_path)
>          self.glade_widgets.connect_signals(gui_instance)
>       except: print "Failed to load the glade file"
>    def __getitem__(self, key):
>       """Gives us the ability to do:
> wrapper['widget_name'].action()""" return
> self.glade_widgets.get_object(key)
>    def __getattr__(self, attr):
>       """Gives us the ability to do: wrapper.widget_name.action()"""
>       new_widget = self.glade_widgets.get_object(attr)
>       if new_widget is None: raise AttributeError, 'Widget %r not
> found' % attr
>       setattr(self, attr, new_widget)
>       return new_widget
> .....
> class NautilusPyExtensions:
>    """The application's main window"""
>    def __init__(self, store):
>       ...
>       # instantiate the Glade Widgets Wrapper
> = GladeWidgetsWrapper(cons.GLADE_PATH +
> '', self)
> .....
> furthermode in the code you access the widgets with
> "", all signals are connected.
> Hope this helps.
> Giuseppe.
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 17:02, Mac Ryan <> wrote:
> > I posted the same question on Stack Overflow, but so far it only
> > got 3 views and no answers... :(
> >
> >
> >
> > In the design of my program I would like to pass around the
> > gkt.Builder() instance to various modules (each of them has
> > some of the handlers for managing the GUI), but I found out
> > that once the builder is instantiated one can only call the
> > connect_signals() method once: if called more than once, any
> > call after the second will return None (which would mean:
> > all signals have been connected, which is a blatant lie!).
> >
> > I tried to see if I could understand how/where gtk.Builder
> > stores the handler names that are assigned within the Glade
> > GUI, in order to write my own method to overcome this limitation,
> > but after more than an hour of console experiments I still
> > haven't understand where this information is stored.
> >
> > Is there anybody on the list that is able to advice me? Basically I
> > would be happy in any of these scenarios:
> >
> > * Find a way to re-use the same builder over and over.
> > * Find an alternative method to *AUTO-assign* methods of various
> > modules as callbacks to GUI-emitted signals (with the GUI being
> > defined in a monolithic Glade Builder XML file).
> > * Find a way to extract from the from the gtk.Builder (or in some
> > other way) the pairs widget-instance<->expected-handler-name as
> > defined in the Glade editor.
> >
> > As for my previous mail on this list: I solved the problem myself:
> > what I misunderstood was the correct use of the method
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your time,
> > /mac
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