Arjan Molenaar wrote:

>>> Any plans on preparing an installation for GTK+ 3?
>>> Is your build/release process documented somewhere?

>> Not sure if there'll be any Python 3000 or GTK+ 3.2 packages,
>> but probably a 2.24.1 PyGTK.pkg - to match the Win32 offering ?
>> All the actual development takes place in the GTK-OSX project
>> on, but it doesn't offer any pre-compiled binaries.
> I managed to compile the whole lot with jhbuild. I'll spend some time with 
> the Quartz port. There are a few things that can be improved, so I might as 
> well lend a hand (as far as time permits). ;)

That's probably the best, as that's the upstream build system.

It does require that you bundle Python and GTK+ with your app,
but that only matters for distribution and not for development.

For the record, the URL is:

But when I packaged our app for the fourth* time, I wondered
why there were no binaries - so went ahead and did a fifth pkg.


* port, fink, jhbuild, brew

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