Tue, 10 Jan 2012 18:54:07 +0100
Timo a écrit:

> Constants are actually pretty easy once you understand how they are 
> mapped to Python.
> Have a look at the C docs page for all enumerations: 
> http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk3-Standard-Enumerations.html


> You will notice a pattern: take the enumeration name, split the Gtk part 
> and rest with a dot, then leave out GTK_*_ part from the types and 
> append them to the previously splitted name.
> This approach always worked for me till now.

Hi all.

Thanks for the tip, and for your feedbacks about the doc.

I thought there might be something of this kind but it didn't seem that
_systematic_ to me.

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